Tiny Heart Rocks from Thalken

Tiny Heart Rocks from Thalken


These tiny heart rocks are some of our favorite things EVER! They are approximately 20mm and we have them in 16 different stones. See below for some associated folklore attached to each stone. Here at Thalken we believe in the power of setting goals, working really hard, being mindful and observate, and using what’s in front of you. Sometimes physical objects(like crystals and stones) help to remind and encourage us of those goals and manifestations. We encourage you to physically write out(manifest) what you want specific parts of your future to look like, and actively do things(work your booty off) everyday to make that manifestation a reality. You do not need these stones to do that. Yes, I am telling you that you don’t have to buy anything from us to make your dreams a reality. But... these little rocks/crystals are a fun way to remind yourself of the future you want for yourself.

**And just to clarify… Crystals should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment. The information provided here about these stones is strictly folklore. The information contained herein does not claim to heal or cure and should not be considered as a substitute for conventional medicine or therapy of any kind.

crystal quartz- According to folklore it is an energy and intention amplifier, harmonizes all chakras, master healer.

howlite- According to folklore it represents and promotes stillness and open-mindedness.

opalite- According to folklore it helps brings about magic.

black obsidian- According to folklore it blocks physic attack and negative spiritual influences, brings clarity to the mind and clears confusion, great for protection in general.

tigers eye- According to folklore it aids in strength in entrepreneurship, prosperity, and good luck.

dalmatian jasper- According to folklore it helps to connect you with your playful nature.

rose quartz- According to folklore it is known as the “love stone,” promotes self love, and compassion, restores trust and harmony.

strawberry quartz- According to folklore it helps aid and develop self love and peace.

red agate- According to folklore it helps to enhance mental functions and analytical abilities.

golden sandstone- According to folklore it helps to attain one’s goals.

amethyst- According to folklore it helps with mindfulness, spiritual awareness, and brings forth humility and sincerity.

labradorite- According to folklore it gives you strength during periods of change, is the Northern lights captured in stone, and promotes magic and whimsey.

kiwi jasper- According to folklore it helps reduce stress.

adventurine- According to folklore it helps with folks that are sensitive and indecisive by protecting the heart and gaining confidence in oneself and ones decisions.

yellow(orange) calcite- According to folklore it helps in giving feelings of hope and peace.

pyrite- According to folklore it helps to shield against negativity.

gemstone type:
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